Keys to Bible study (2)

Psalm 119:18 NLT

Here are a few more things you can try to help you get more out of your Bible study time: 1) Ask questions and research them. The more questions you ask, the more you will get out of it. You could ask things like: who was this written to, and why? What situation the writer facing at the time? What’s the main message that they’re trying to get across? Ask you ask more questions and spend time researching and praying for the answers, you’ll discover all kinds of things you’ve never noticed before. 2) Write down the answers you get. Keep a notebook nearby and write down any new discoveries you make, either through researching the context, or new ideas that come into your mind, or from what God’s telling you. Writing it down means you won’t forget anything, and lets you go back and make new connections or even spark off more questions. 3) Put what you’ve learned into action. Evangelist D. L. Moody said, ‘The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives.’ And James wrote, ‘Do not merely listen to the word…Do what it says’ (James 1:22 NIV). Ask God what He’s teaching you and showing you through the new things you’ve discovered. Is He showing you where you need to make changes in your life or your attitude? Is He telling you something you need to stop doing, or start doing? Is He revealing your calling to you through His Word? Find out what God’s saying to you. The psalmist prayed, ‘Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions’ (Psalm 119:18 NLT). Let’s make that our prayer too.

Lev 1-4; Matt 4:12-25; Ps 10:1-11; Prov 1:10-16