Ephesians 4:15 NIV
Whether you are a reformer, a server, an achiever, an artist, a thinker, a loyalist, an enthusiast, a commander, or a peacemaker, every one of us wrestles with sin. And knowing that each category of sin has its own hidden temptations should make you less envious of others when you’re not doing well yourself, and less likely to judge them when you are. Recognizing your particular pattern sin lets you know what you need to work on. For example, if you’re a reformer you need to be aware of your tendency toward self-righteousness. However, it’s also important to recognize that you’ve been wired by God with a passion for justice – and that’s a good thing. Indeed, you’ll feel His presence most when you can express these things with freedom and love. Finally, knowing other people’s patterns helps you to empathize and live in harmony with them. As you learn about their patterns you become more patient with those whose sins are different from yours. For example, you can make sure “helpers” don’t always get stuck in the “serving” mode, and encourage “peacemakers” to speak honestly when they’re angry. Our goal should be to take off our religious masks, strengthen one another in our areas of struggle, and do it in a gracious, nonjudgmental way. When we know and accept ourselves and others, we can walk together in love. “Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up.” Only then are we free to become the best version of ourselves – God’s hand-signed edition.
Soul food: Deut 18:9-18; Dan 2; Isa 47:5-15; Acts 16:16-34
Efesiërs 4:15 NLV
Of jy nou hervormer, ‘n dienaar, ‘n presteerder, ‘n kunstenaar, ‘n denker, ‘n lojalis, ‘n entoesias, ‘n bevelvoerder, of ‘n vredemaker is, ons almal sukkel met sonde. Om te weet dat elke kategorie sy eie versteekte versoekings het, behoort jou minder jaloers op ander te maak wanneer dit nie met jou goed gaan nie en minder geneig om hulle te oordeel wanneer dit wel met jou goed gaan. Wanneer jy jou eie sondepatroon herken, laat dit jou toe om te weet waaraan jy moet werk. As jy byvoorbeeld ‘n hervormer is, moet jy van jou geneigdheid tot self-regverdiging bewus wees. Dis egter ook belangrik om te weet dat God jou met ‘n passie vir regverdigheid geskep het – en dat dit ‘n goeie eienskap is. Jy sal inderdaad sy teenwoordigheid die meeste voel wanneer jy hierdie eienskap in vryheid en liefde kan uitdruk. Om ander mense se patrone te ken, help jou ook om met hulle te empatiseer en in harmonie met hulle saam te leef. Soos jy hulle patrone leer ken, word jy meer geduldig met diegene wie se sondes verskillend van joune is. Jy kan byvoorbeeld seker maak dat dienaars nie altyd besig is om te dien nie en vredemakers aanmoedig om eerlik te wees wanneer hulle kwaad is. Ons doel moet wees om ons godsdienstige maskers af te haal, mekaar in areas van swakheid te versterk en dit op ‘n genadige, onveroordelende manier te doen. Wanneer ons onsself en ander ken en aanvaar, kan ons saam in liefde stap. ‘Nee, terwyl ons mekaar liefhet, sal ons by die waarheid bly en so in alle opsigte groei om soos Christus te wees…’ Eers dan sal ons vry wees om die beste weergawes van onsself te word – die weergawe wat God jou geskep het om te wees.
Sielskos: Deut 18:9-18; Dan 2; Jes 47:5-15; Hand 16:16-34
Ephesians 4:25 NKJV
Peacemakers: Peacemakers thrive when life is calm. They love the verse: “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1 NIV). They make excellent therapists and mediators, and can usually bring reconciliation to families, neighborhoods, and workplaces. But sometimes they’re inclined to seek peace at any price, use their relational skills to blend in, and avoid taking the initiative or assuming risks because of their undue attachment to comfort and security. They often suffer from “terminal niceness” when courage is what’s really required. Abraham is a great illustration of a peacemaker. When he and his nephew Lot began to prosper, a feud broke out between their herdsmen because the land was too small to accommodate all their cattle. Realizing it could split the family, Abraham took action, dealt with the problem, and saved the relationship. On the other hand, when King Abimelech saw Abraham’s wife, Sarah, and wanted to make her part of his harem, Abraham, fearing for his life, acted like a coward and said, “She is my sister” (Genesis 20:2 NIV). It’s critical to recognize your pattern sins so you can deal with them effectively. Jesus warned about those who go around taking specks out of other people’s eyes, while failing to notice the “log” in their own (See Matthew 7:3). Your pattern sin is so appealing that it’s your biggest danger, and it’s so close to you that you’re apt not to see it. David prayed, “Cleanse…me from secret faults. Keep…thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me” (Psalm 19:12-13 KJV).
Soul food: Isa 26-29; John 7:1-13; Ps 114; Prov 28:1-4
Efesiërs 4:25 NLV
Vredemakers: Vredemakers floreer wanneer die lewe kalm is. Hulle is lief vir hierdie vers: ‘Hoe goed, hoe mooi is dit as broers eengesind saamwoon!’ (Psalm 133:1 NLV). Hulle maak uitstekende beraders en bemiddelaars en kan gewoonlik versoening in families, gemeenskappe en werkplekke meebring. Soms is hulle egter geneig om vrede ten koste van enige prys te soek, hulle gebruik hul verhoudingsvaardighede om in die agtergrond te bly en hulle vermy dit om die inisiatief of risiko’s te neem omdat hulle te geheg aan gemak en sekuriteit is. Abraham is ‘n uitstekende voorbeeld van ‘n vredemaker. Toe hy en sy neef Lot begin vooruitgang maak het, het daar ‘n bakleiery tussen hulle veewagters uitgebreek omdat die land te klein was om al hulle vee te akkomodeer. Abraham het besef dat dit die familie in twee kon skeur en het aksie geneem, die probleem hanteer en die verhouding gered. Aan die ander kant, toe koning Abimelek Abraham se vrou, Sara, gesien het en haar deel van sy harem wou maak, het Abraham uit vrees vir sy lewe soos ‘n lafaard opgetree en ‘…vir die mense [vertel] dat sy vrou Sara sy suster is…’ (Genesis 20:2 NLV). Dis krities om jou sondepatroon te herken sodat jy dit effektief kan hanteer. Jesus het ons gewaarsku om nie die splinters in ander mense se oë raak te sien, as ons nie eers die balke in ons eie oë kan raaksien nie (sien Matteus 7:3). Jou sondepatroon is so aanloklik omdat dit jou grootste gevaar is; en dit is so naby aan jou dat jy dit moontlik nie sal raaksien nie. Dawid het gebid, ‘Wie kan sy eie oortredings herken? Spreek my vry oor verborge sondes, en bewaar my van opsetlike sondes! Laat hulle nie oor my heers nie…’ (Psalm 19:13-14 NLV).
Sielskos: Jes 26-29; Joh 7:1-13; Ps 114; Spr 28:1-4
1 Thessalonians 2:7 NIV
Commanders: Commanders were created to understand power and leadership, to know how it works, and feel a natural pull toward it. If this describes you, an image of strength is important to you. You have a need to lead. Opposition actually energizes you. Winston Churchill was a commander easily bored by agreement, and whose greatest moments were inspired by opposition. He had a running battle with Lady Nancy Astor, who once said to him, “Winston, if you were my husband, I’d poison your tea.” To which Churchill famously replied, “Nancy, if I were your husband, I’d drink it!” When Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany, Churchill found the formidable enemy he’d been waiting for his whole life. And he rose to the challenge. Without good leadership nothing gets accomplished. But power can become an end in itself, and you can become frustrated when you’re not getting your own way. Indeed, other people may feel intimidated about speaking up when they don’t agree with you. And when that happens you may have compliance, but you don’t have love, loyalty, or respect. God help a leader who has no leader, and those who follow him or her! Responsibility without accountability produces instability. Only when you surround yourself with people who have 20/20 vision to compensate for your blind spots, can you see your tendency to use people and employ fear and intimidation to get your own way. Paul, a great leader, wrote, “We were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her children.” When it comes to great leadership, there are two words that go hand in hand – “gentleness” and “greatness.”
Soul food: Isa 22-25; John 6:52-71; Ps 127; Prov 27:25-27