When Jesus prayed (5)

Luke 22:41-42 NIV

Jesus prayed before He faced the greatest crisis in His life. The Bible says: “Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place… He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.’ An angel from heaven appeared…and strengthened him” (vv. 39-43 NIV). Jesus didn’t wait until the hour of His greatest crisis before He prayed. For three and a half years during His earthly ministry, He had built a life of prayer. Before He raised Lazarus from the dead, we read, “Jesus looked up and said, ‘Father, I thank you that you have heard me…that you always hear me'” (John 11:41-42 NIV). Jesus had such an intimate relationship with His Father that in times of pressure and pain He could go to God, confident He would receive His sustaining grace. Can you do that? Until you do, you’ll be vulnerable to people and situations beyond your control. Consider this question: Do you think Jesus prayed so much because He wanted to, or because He thought He should? The answer is – He wanted to! And if you want to follow in His footsteps and enjoy God’s richest blessings, you need to move from “should” to “want to.” Here’s a truth that people who pray know: The less you pray, the less you want to pray. And the more you pray, the more you want to pray. The power behind Christ’s amazing success in life was the power of prayer. Starting now, commit to praying each day.

Soul food: 1 Sam 11-13; Mat 22:23-33; Ps 98; Prov 17:1-3

Wanneer Jesus gebid het (5)

Lukas 22:41-42 NLV

Jesus het gebid voor Hy voor die grootste krisis in sy lewe te staan gekom het. Die Bybel sê: ‘Jesus het uit die stad gegaan na die Olyfberg, soos Hy gewoond was om te doen. En die dissipels het Hom gevolg… Jesus het Hom toe van hulle afgesonder… Daar het Hy gekniel en gebid: ‘Vader, as U wil, neem hierdie beker van My af weg. Laat nogtans nie my wil nie, maar u wil geld!’ Daar het ‘n engel uit die hemel aan Jesus verskyn en Hom versterk’ (verse 39-43 NLV). Jesus het nie gewag tot die uur van sy grootste krisis aanbreek, voor Hy gebid het nie. Vir drie-en-‘n-half jaar gedurende sy aardse bediening, het Hy ‘n lewe van gebed gebou. Voor Hy Lasarus uit die dood opgewek het, lees ons, ‘…Jesus het sy oë hemelwaarts gerig en gesê: ‘Vader, Ek is dankbaar teenoor U dat U na My geluister het. Ek weet dat U altyd na My luister…’ (Johannes 11:41-42 NLV). Jesus het so ‘n intieme verhouding met sy Vader gehad dat Hy in tye van druk en pyn na God toe kon gaan, met die vertroue dat Hy sy ondersteunende genade sou ontvang. Totdat jy dieselfde kan doen, sal jy weerloos teenoor ander mense en situasies buite jou beheer wees. Dink jy Jesus het so baie gebid omdat Hy wou, of omdat Hy gedink het dat Hy veronderstel is om dit te doen? Hy wou! Mense wat baie bid weet: Hoe minder jy bid, hoe minder wil jy bid en hoe meer jy bid, hoe meer wil jy bid. Die krag agter Christus se wonderbaarlike sukses was die krag van gebed. Begin vandag en wy jouself daaraan toe om elke dag te bid.

Sielskos: 1 Sam 11-13; Mat 22:23-33; Ps 98; Spr 17:1-3