Home sweet home!

Psalm 23:6 NIV

For some of us, the love of God doesn’t feel real. Why is that? Because we have tried to make this earth our home. And as a result, we live with worry and frustration. Only when you have the right view of there will you have the right view of here. When you understand your true home, death is never a period; instead, it’s a conjunction.

Less than one second after you die, you will be escorted into the presence of God. You won’t even be dead long enough to know you died. You don’t expire; you transfer. Quicker than you can blink, you move from one dimension to another. You go from living in this time to dwelling “in the house of the Lord forever.”

Most of us will not die suddenly of a heart attack, or a stroke, or in a car crash. For most of us, death will come gradually as we wear down over time. You will feel your body deteriorating and atrophying, and you will know you’re nearing death. Then God will put you into transition mode. He will make heaven look much more appealing than earth so that you will be thinking, “I wish God would just hurry up and take me home.” He may even give you a little preview of glory and let you see your Saviour waiting to welcome you. When you glimpse those arms wide open, you will want the trip to hurry up and take place. You will say like David, “As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness” (Psalm 17:15 NKJV). Home sweet home!

Soul food: Exo 7-9; Luke 12:13-21; Ps 61; Prov 6:16-19

Oos, wes, tuis, bes!

Psalm 23:6 NLV

Die liefde van God voel vir sommige van ons nie werklik nie. Hoekom doen dit nie? Omdat ons probeer om hierdie aarde ons tuiste te maak. Gevolglik lewe ons met bekommernis en frustrasie. Eers wanneer jy die regte siening van daar het, sal jy die regte siening van hier hê. Wanneer jy jou ware tuiste verstaan, is die dood nooit ‘n punt nie; dis eerder ‘n voegwoord.

Minder as een sekonde nadat jy sterf, sal jy na God se teenwoordigheid vergesel word. Jy sal nie eers lank genoeg dood wees om te weet dat jy gesterf het nie. Vinniger as wat jy jou oë kan knip, beweeg jy van een dimensie na die ander. Jy gaan van lewe in hierdie tyd na om te ‘…bly in die huis van die Here so lank as wat [jy] lewe.’

Die meeste van ons sal nie skielik aan ‘n hartaanval, ‘n beroerte of in ‘n motorongeluk sterf nie. Vir die meeste van ons, sal die dood geleidelik kom soos ons oor tyd verouder. Jy sal voel hoe jou liggaam versleg en wegkwyn en jy sal weet dat die dood naderkom. Dan sal God jou in die oorgangsfase plaas. Hy sal die hemel baie meer aanloklik as die aarde laat lyk sodat jy dink: ‘Ek wens God wil gou maak en my huis toe neem.’ Hy mag dalk selfs vir jou ‘n klein voorskou van die heerlikheid gee en jou die Redder wat wag om jou te verwelkom, laat sien. Wanneer jy daardie wye oop arms sien, sal jy wil hê dat jou reis gou moet plaasvind. Jy sal soos Dawid sê: ‘Maar omdat ek reg gedoen het, sal ek U sien. Wanneer ek wakker word, sal ek tevrede wees in u teenwoordigheid’ (Psalm 17:15 NLV). Oos, wes, tuis, bes!

Sielskos: Eks 7-9; Luk 12:13-21; Ps 61; Spr 6:16-19

Wat ‘n versekeringspolis!

Psalm 23:6 NLV

Die meeste versekeringsmaatskappye is betroubaar. Hulle sal vir jou dekking deur die meeste seisoene en teëspoed in die lewe bied. Nie alle versekeringsmaatskappye is egter so nie. In sommige gevalle, verhoog hulle óf jou premies óf kanselleer jou polis die oomblik wanneer jy ‘n eis indien.

Die versekeringspolis wat jy met God het is egter wonderlik. Daar is verskillende soorte versekering wat dinge soos vuur, eiendom, misdaad, gesondheid, motors en die dood dek. Die enigste versekeringspolis wat jou egter na die dood kan dek, is die een wat God aanbied. Jy hoef ook nie daaroor bekommerd te wees om die ‘fynskrif’ te lees nie, want Hy sal dit nie kanselleer nie.

Paulus verduidelik dit so: ‘Kan enigiets ons ooit van Christus se liefde skei? Sal dinge soos lyding of benoudheid of vervolging, honger of koue, of gevaar of doodsdreiging dit regkry?.. Tog is ons ten spyte van al hierdie dinge besig om ‘n superoorwinning te behaal – oorwinnaars deur Christus wat sy liefde so duidelik aan ons bewys het. Een ding weet ek vas en seker: Niks kan ons ooit van Christus se liefde skei nie. Nie dood of lewe of engele of duiwelse magte nie; nie ons vrees vir vandag of ons kommer oor môre nie; ook nie bo-aardse magte nie. Ja, hoegenaamd niks daarbo of onder in die dieptes of elders in die skepping sal ons ooit kan skei van die liefde wat God in Christus Jesus ons Here vir ons het nie’ (Romeine 8:35, 37-38 NLV).

Het jy jou sondes bely? Het jy jou vertroue in Christus geplaas om jou Redder te wees? Dan is jy vir alle tye en vir ewig gedek. ‘Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ’tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.’

Sielskos: Eks 4-6; Luk 12:1-12; Ps 58; Spr 6:12-15

What an insurance policy!

Psalm 23:6 NKJV

Most insurance companies are trustworthy. They will cover you through most of the seasons and adversities of life. But not all insurance companies are that way. In some cases, the moment you make a claim against them, they either hike your premiums through the roof or cancel your policy.

But the insurance policy you have with God is awesome. The premiums were paid in the crimson cash of Jesus’ blood when He spoke these words: “It is finished,” which means “paid in full.”

There are different kinds of insurance that cover things like fire, property, theft, health, automobiles, and death. But the only insurance policy that can cover you beyond death is the one God offers. And you don’t have to worry about reading the “fine print,” because He will not cancel it.

Paul lays it out for us: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?… in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:35, 37-39 NKJV).

Have you repented of your sins? Have you placed your trust in Christ to be your Saviour? Then you’re covered for time and eternity. “Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ’tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.”

Soul food: Exo 4-6; Luke 12:1-12; Ps 58; Prov 6:12-15

Navigating life’s losses (4)

Ecclesiastes 3:6 NKJV

What else do our children need from us when they’re grieving?

(1) Our honesty. They need to know we’re hurting too. When they see you crying, but you tell them, “I’m all right,” they’re confused. They think either you’re not hurting, and tears don’t mean anything, or you’re not being real with them. They need to know the genuine you, so they can be real with you and trust you with their hurts.

(2) Our awareness of their feelings without overprotecting them. For them, as for you, “There is a time to weep… mourn… lose” (vv. 4, 6 NKJV). God has made all these experiences “appropriate in its time” (v.11 NAS). Don’t inhibit or invalidate their sadness, anger, and depression. It’s part of their God-given humanness, and will help them become balanced, compassionate adults.

(3) Sensitive listening. Kids learn and grow through loss when they have an open and understanding listener. Listen, then reflect their feelings. “Sounds like you’re angry. Want to talk about it?” Don’t analyze, ask! Listen with your eyes and ears. “Your words say you’re all right, but your eyes suggest you’re sad.”

(4) Permission to express negative emotions. Anger and resentment aimed at doctors, the system, family members, you, even God is normal! Don’t say, “You shouldn’t say such things.” Instead say, “Sounds like a real, honest expression of pain and disappointment. Want to talk more about it?” Expression detoxifies negative emotion.

(5) Inclusion in our grief rituals. Include them in family gatherings, funeral planning, and services, and they will find comfort in the validation, closure, and healing these times bring!

Soul food: Matt 14:22-33; 1 Kings 3:4-28