God is directing your steps

Psalm 37:23 NKJV

Elijah’s destiny was to stand on Mount Carmel, call down fire from heaven, and deliver Israel from idolatry. But he could only get there one step at a time. That’s how God works. First God sent him to a brook at Cherith (which means “covenant”). At some point in your spiritual journey you must discover that God is a covenant-making, covenant-keeping God. He miraculously dried up the Jordan River, made an axe-head float, and caused fish to swim into an empty net – proving that when He makes a promise He keeps it. When God sent Elijah to Cherith, He told him, “I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there” (1 Kings 17:4 KJV). Had Elijah gone elsewhere, God wouldn’t have met his needs. Why? Because a covenant is two-sided; when you do your part God does His. Next God sent Elijah to Zarephath, saying, “I have commanded a widow…to sustain thee” (v. 9 KJV). Think about it: God used a flesh-eating bird and a penniless widow to feed Elijah, so stop trying to second-guess Him! The Bible says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” So here’s the question: If you truly believe that Scripture, why are you complaining, worrying, and trying to figure everything out instead of trusting Him? “Zarephath” means “a crucible,” a place where metal is refined. If you’re going through a fiery trial today, rejoice – God is separating the gold from the impurities in your character. When you’ve passed the test at Cherith and Zarephath, you’ll be ready for the blessing of Mount Carmel!

Soulfood: 1 Chr 12:23-15:29; Luke 12:35-48; Ps 119:33-40; Prov 20:28-30