Chosen and appointed by God (1)

John 15:16 NKJV

Jesus said, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” How you begin a relationship is important. All parties need to feel secure in order for it to go well. For example, when you’re invited to somebody’s home for dinner, it’s reasonable to expect that they’ll fulfill certain social obligations. You shouldn’t have to wonder if you’re welcome, or if there’ll be enough food to go around, or if there’s a place at the table for you. Those are things you might be concerned about if you stopped by uninvited. Likewise, knowing you’ve been “chosen and appointed” by God gives you confidence. It means you’re accepted; you don’t have to campaign to get elected. If you think walking to a church altar to commit your life to Christ means you chose God, think again! God chose you for two reasons: to bless you, and to make you a blessing to others (See Genesis 12:2). But in the beginning not all His blessings may be things you rejoice about. The Bible speaks of blessings “you won’t have room enough to receive” (See Malachi 3:10). Sometimes God’s blessings are so overwhelming that when He starts pouring them out you think, “I’m not sure I can handle this.” And you’d be right – if you had been the one who initiated the relationship! But you didn’t choose God, He chose you. And whomever He calls, He equips. All you need to do is be open and responsive. “Give yourselves completely…tools in the hands of God, to be used for his good purposes” (Romans 6:13 TLB).

Soul food: Jer 25-27; Mark 1:9-15; Ps 31; Prov 8:34-36