
Psalm 30:5 NCV

Pain is an inevitable part of life and growth, and sometimes it can be beneficial. Let’s take a look at why it can be helpful:

1) It can let us know there’s something wrong that needs to be put right.

2) It makes us acknowledge there’s a problem.

3) It encourages us to seek help to put things right.

4) It makes us willing to accept treatment that we might find uncomfortable so we can be made whole again.

It sounds strange, but the more we dread and resist any pain we’re feeling, the more its effect on us increases, and the stronger it becomes. When we’re being treated for something that’s physically painful, a doctor will often tell us to ‘breathe’ and ‘relax’. The more we fight the pain, the more we’ll be hurt. This can apply to emotional pain too. If we try to ignore how we’re feeling and pretend we’re okay, the hurt just builds up inside us and wears us down.

When we experience pain, whether it’s emotional or physical, we shouldn’t try to ignore, hide, or fight it. We need to walk through it and allow it to accomplish its purpose. The Bible says: ‘When troubles…come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy…when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing’ (James 1:2-4 NLT).

Painful experiences can bring all kinds of opportunities for learning, developing our character, and growing our trust in God. So when pain comes our way, let’s take a breath, relax, and walk through it with God by our side.

Gen 13-16; Matt 17:1-13; Ps 40:1-8; Prov 6:1-5