Dit werk binne jou (4)

Romeine 8:26 NLV

Die twee pilare van ‘n gelowige se daaglikse lewe behoort gebed en Skriflesing te wees. Terwyl gebed dalk eenvoudig mag lyk, is dit nie altyd maklik nie. Ons kort motivering, ons aandag word maklik afgelei en ons is nie altyd seker waarvoor ons moet bid nie. Omdat God ons menslike ontoereikendheid besef, voorsien Hy ons van hulp in die vorm van die Heilige Gees.

Paulus skryf: ‘…Maar die Gees self neem ons gebedsbehoeftes voor God op met versugtinge wat nie in menslike taal verwoord kan word nie. Dié God wat die dieptes van elke hart deurgrond, weet wat die Gees in die oog het – dat Hy in harmonie met God se wil vir die gelowiges intree’ (verse 26-27 NLV). Dit beteken dat dit nie saak maak hoe jy voel wanneer jy bid nie, die Heilige Gees bid saam met jou, vir jou en transformeer jou swakste gebede in kragtige oproepe tot die Vader.

Wanneer dit by die tweede pilaar kom, naamlik die Woord van God, is die Heilige Gees se rol ewe dinamies. Jesus het gesê: ‘Wanneer Hy ook al kom, die Gees van die waarheid, sal Hy julle begelei in die volle waarheid. Hy sal nie uit Homself praat nie, maar net sê wat Hy hoor. Hy sal die dinge wat gaan kom, aan julle meedeel’ (Johannes 16:13 NLV). Die Heilige Gees doen drie dinge: 1) Hy lei ons terwyl ons die Woord van God bestudeer en dit probeer verstaan. 2) Hy neem dit wat Jesus wil hê ons moet weet en openbaar dit aan ons. 3) Hy maak ons gedagtes oop oor dinge wat nog voorlê.

Natuurlik is goeie naslaanboeke, Skrifgebaseerde hulpbronne en bekwame Bybelonderwysers nodig en nuttig, maar dit is geen plaasvervanger om die Heilige Gees self te hoor en aandagtig te luister na dit wat Hy vir jou wil sê nie.

Sielskos: Jos 1; Ps 27:11-14; 2 Tim 2:1-15

It’s an inside job (4)

Romans 8:26 NLT

The twin pillars of a believer’s daily life should be prayer and Scripture. But, while praying may be simple, it’s not always easy. We lack motivation, we’re easily distracted, and we are not always sure what we should be praying for. So, recognising our human inadequacies, God provides help for us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

Paul writes: “The Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father… knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us… in harmony with God’s own will” (vv. 26-27 NLT). That means, no matter how you feel when you pray, the Holy Spirit is in prayer with you and for you, transforming your feeblest prayers into powerful appeals to the Father.

And when it comes to the second pillar, namely the Word of God, the Holy Spirit’s role is equally dynamic. Jesus said, “When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth… whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (John 16:13 KJV). Note, the Holy Spirit does three things.

(1) He guides us as we study the Word of God and seek to understand it.
(2) He takes what Jesus wants us to know and reveals it to us.
(3) He opens our understanding about things that are still to come.

No question, good reference books, Scripture-based resources, and skilled Bible teachers are necessary and helpful, but they’re no substitute when it comes to hearing from the Holy Spirit for yourself and listening carefully to what He wants to tell you.

Soul food: Josh 1; Ps 27:11-14; 2 Tim 2:1-15

It’s an inside job (3)

John 14:16 KJV

In the New Testament account, Jesus told his disciples, “I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.” The Greek source for the word “Comforter” is Parakletos, which means “one who comes alongside” to strengthen, encourage, and advise you. How good is that?

When you feel discouraged, confused, and powerless, you have access to a wise, compassionate, competent helper who will show up to support you and supply you with what you need. So instead of struggling to go it alone, learn to lean on Him, draw on His power, and trust Him to do His mighty work in you. Paul also tells us, “He [the Holy Spirit] will tell you where to go and what to do… then you won’t always be doing the… things your evil nature wants you to” (Galatians 5:16 TLB).

The battle of the Spirit versus the flesh is unrelenting. And our fleshly nature can never be subdued by human thinking; that just produces defeat and discouragement. What’s the answer? The Holy Spirit “will tell you where to go and what to do.” And here is another wonderful benefit the indwelling Holy Spirit will bring you: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God… are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14 KJV). Praying and taking your best guess isn’t God’s way. The Holy Spirit’s guidance – not our guesswork – should direct our lifestyle. So, the word for you today is – remember “it’s an inside job.”

Soul food: Acts 24-26; Mark 1:1-8; Ps 78:1-8; Prov 16:23-24

Dit werk binne jou (3)

Johannes 14:16 NLV

Jesus het vir sy dissipels gesê: ‘En Ek sal die Vader vra en Hy sal vir julle ‘n ander Raadgewer stuur om vir altyd by julle te wees.’ Die Griekse bron vir die woord ‘Raadgewer’ is ‘Parakletos,’ wat beteken ‘een wat langsaan jou kom’ om jou te versterk, te bemoedig en raad te gee. Hoe wonderlik is dit nie? Wanneer jy moedeloos, verward en magteloos voel, het jy ‘n wyse, deernisvolle, bekwame helper wat sal opdaag om jou te ondersteun en jou van dit wat jy nodig het, sal voorsien. In plaas daarvan om dus alleen daarmee te sukkel, leer om op Hom te leun, put krag uit sy mag uit en vertrou Hom om sy magtige werk in jou te doen.

Paulus sê ook vir ons: ‘…Laat julle leefstyl eerder deur die Gees bepaal word. Dan sal julle glad nie aan die begeertes van julle sondige geaardheid toegee nie’ (Galasiërs 5:16 NLV). Die stryd tussen die Gees en die vlees is onophoudelik. Ons vleeslike natuur kan nooit deur menslike denke in bedwang gebring word nie; dit veroorsaak net mislukking en moedeloosheid. Wat is dan die antwoord? Die Heilige Gees sal vir jou sê waar om te gaan en wat om te doen.

Nog ‘n wonderlike voordeel wat die inwonende Heilige Gees vir jou meebring is: ‘Want almal wat hulle laat lei deur die Gees van God – hulle is God se kinders’ (Romeine 8:14 NLV). Om te bid en dan jou beste raaiskoot te neem, is nie God se manier nie. Die Heilige Gees se leiding – nie ons raaiskote nie – moet ons leefstyl bepaal. Die woord vir jou vandag is dus – onthou, dit werk binne jou.

Sielskos: Hand 24-26; Mark 1:1-8; Ps 78:1-8; Spr 16:23-24

It’s an inside job (2)

John 16:7 NKJV

Even as the disciples’ hearts ached about Jesus’ departure, He assured them it was to their advantage because it would bring them a new era of power and authority (See John 14:12). Being “under new management” wasn’t the end but a continuation of Christ’s ministry as the Holy Spirit took the baton from the Son’s hand and placed it in theirs. The Son would leave, but the Spirit would “abide with [them] forever” (John 14:16 KJV). This was their “advantage.” The Spirit would enter their human bodies and live permanently in them!

This is no tentative, vague connection. It’s God’s Spirit choosing us as His permanent dwelling place. Have you ever considered the advantage this gives you? For example, you might awake tomorrow feeling stressed, weary, and irritated, and, humanly speaking, these feelings could easily dictate your day. But because the Spirit lives in you, these things don’t have to control you.

Paul writes, “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you?” (1 Corinthians 6:19 NKJV). Once you accept that promise by faith, you become God’s temple. You can be at work, driving the kids to school, walking the dog, waiting for biopsy results, or attending the funeral of your best friend, and as you go about your everyday life, God’s Spirit is living in you. Can you see now why Jesus told the disciples it was good for Him to leave and send the Holy Spirit? Whatever you do, don’t let this life-changing truth slide by you!

Soul food: Acts 22-23; Matt 28:11-20; Ps 46; Prov 16:20-22