Romans 8:26 NLT
The twin pillars of a believer’s daily life should be prayer and Scripture. But, while praying may be simple, it’s not always easy. We lack motivation, we’re easily distracted, and we are not always sure what we should be praying for. So, recognising our human inadequacies, God provides help for us in the form of the Holy Spirit.
Paul writes: “The Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father… knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us… in harmony with God’s own will” (vv. 26-27 NLT). That means, no matter how you feel when you pray, the Holy Spirit is in prayer with you and for you, transforming your feeblest prayers into powerful appeals to the Father.
And when it comes to the second pillar, namely the Word of God, the Holy Spirit’s role is equally dynamic. Jesus said, “When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth… whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (John 16:13 KJV). Note, the Holy Spirit does three things.
(1) He guides us as we study the Word of God and seek to understand it.
(2) He takes what Jesus wants us to know and reveals it to us.
(3) He opens our understanding about things that are still to come.
No question, good reference books, Scripture-based resources, and skilled Bible teachers are necessary and helpful, but they’re no substitute when it comes to hearing from the Holy Spirit for yourself and listening carefully to what He wants to tell you.
Soul food: Josh 1; Ps 27:11-14; 2 Tim 2:1-15
Hebrews 4:16 NLT
Boldness. Boldness isn’t arrogance, presumption, or a sense of entitlement. It’s confidence based on who you are in Christ. Paul writes, “Let us come boldly to the throne of… God. There we will receive his mercy, and… grace to help us when we need it most” (v. 16 NLT). As God’s redeemed child, you have a right to approach Him at any time. And understanding that enables you to overcome Satan’s attempts to make you feel unworthy. It removes your natural inclination to say, “I know God can do it, but it’s hard to believe He will do it for me.” You think like that when you feel unworthy. But the glorious truth is – Jesus has made you worthy! (See Colossians 1:12).
Note also, “We… find grace… when we need it most,” and grace is simply undeserved favour. In other words, God will give you what you don’t deserve when you’re confident enough to ask Him. Plus, you’re asking in Jesus’ name, not your own. You’re presenting to the Father all that Jesus is, not all that you are.
And here is another thought: When you have hidden sin in your heart, you can’t pray with confidence. Unconfessed sin locks you in and shuts God out (See Psalm 66:18). But the good news is, when you ask God to reveal your sin, He will. And when He does, you must deal with it if you want to keep the lines of communication open. If God reminds you of a situation in which you didn’t do the right thing, don’t try to sweep it under the rug. Acknowledge it, receive His forgiveness, and then you can pray with confidence.
Soul food: Rev 1-4; Matt 15:15-28; Ps 129; Pro 12:27-28
Isaiah 43:19 NCV
There are so many times in life when we need to let go of something we care about. We might have to leave a job we love. We could have been working on a project and now need to hand it over for someone else to take to the next level. Maybe we’ve been a mentor or advisor, but the person has reached the point where they don’t need us anymore. We might be teaching someone, but our knowledge has reached its limit and now they need to move on and learn from someone with greater skill. God might even tell us to let something go without us understanding why.
Letting go isn’t easy. It can make us feel unwanted or rejected, our pride can take a hit, or we might think we’re not good enough. Even if we’ve given up something we hate, it can leave a void in that makes us feel strangely empty. But there are things we can do to regain our joy and find reasons to celebrate.
We can: 1) Rejoice that we played a part in the development and growth of the person or project.
2) Be proud that we’ve made a difference.
3) Pray for the person, the project, those who were working with us, and those who are going to take things even further.
4) Trust God to place the person or project in the right hands.
5) Look forward to the next thing God has in mind for us. It can be helpful to remember these words: ‘Do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?’ (Isaiah 43:18-19 NCV). When we let go of one thing, God already has the next thing lined up.
1 Cor 15-16; Matt 1:1-17; Ps 103:13-22; Pro 10:14
Matthew 6:18 NKJV
Have you ever been to a concert where they used the latest audio-video equipment? Chances are, you were blown away by the multidimensional sights and sounds, and afterward, left talking about the amazing skills of the performers. If the performance went without a hitch, you probably didn’t think about the sound and lighting techs. Usually we only notice them when the equipment fails. They’re the invisible element; the people who do their job by making the star look and sound great. The real accolades go to those in the spotlight. That’s the order of things in the kingdom of man.
But the kingdom of God operates on the principle that “the last shall be first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16 KJV). Jesus said when you fast, pray, and give without looking for recognition, “your Father who sees [your actions] in secret will reward you openly.”
On a big ship, only the captain and a handful of officers are visible on the bridge. But the crew below deck determine the ship’s progress for most of the voyage. And in God’s church, it’s the “engine-room crew” who faithfully carry out much of the work: janitorial staff, nursery workers, bus drivers, parking lot attendants, nursing home visitors, prison outreach workers, and prayer warriors.
While high-profile people tend to get most of the kudos, God reserves special recognition and rewards for the below-deck crew! And if you’re one of them, soon enough you will hear His public announcement, “Good servant… you have been faithful in a small matter” (Luke 19:17 CEB). And when that happens, everything else will pale by comparison!
Soul food: 1 Cor 10-11; Luke 24:45-49; Ps 130; Pro 10:12
Galatians 6:2 KJV
Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? You have, haven’t you? Chuck Swindoll writes: “We act impulsively and realize, after the fact, how foolish we were… On top of all that, we hurt the ones we love the most. All this stuff caves in on us… and we wonder how anybody could ever love us… especially God. When we start thinking like this, we need to turn our mind to the ‘one anothers’ in the New Testament. Love one another, build up one another, live in peace with one another, confess your sins to one another, speak to one another, admonish one another, comfort one another, pray for one another. ‘Bear one another’s burdens’ (Galatians 6:2 NKJV).
Imagine two mountain hikers. One… has a… light pack… while the other poor soul… is… loaded down… It could be a long-standing grudge… poisoning his insides… [Or,] a broken relationship with his wife or one of his kids. That pack could be loaded with unpaid bills. The question is, Where can… [he] go to unload? By sitting in church alongside a… couple thousand other folks? Hardly. What he needs… is… a place where there is person-to-person caring and… authentic sharing. Where he will feel free, without embarrassment… to tell his secret or state his struggle; where someone will listen, help him unload, and give him fresh strength.
Adult fellowships… are not miniature church services. They are pockets of people who love Christ and believe in helping one another. They don’t point fingers or preach or compare. They are your brothers and sisters in Christ… Are you involved in a… fellowship group? If not, consider joining or starting [one].” Once you begin unloading, you will discover how much easier the journey seems.
Soul food: Lev 18-19; Luke 22:63-71; Ps 25:8-15; Pro 10:2