Pray for discernment (2)

1 Kings 3:9 NCV

‘The LORD appeared to [Solomon] in a dream during the night. God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you”‘ (v.5 NCV). Solomon said, ‘I ask that you give me a heart that understands, so I can rule the people in the right way and will know the difference between right and wrong’ (v.9 NCV). Next, we read, ‘The LORD was pleased that Solomon had asked this (v.10 NCV). But God hadn’t finished talking to Solomon: ‘I will also give you what you did not ask for: riches and honour. During your life no other king will be as great as you’ (v.13 NCV). Discernment made Solomon one of the greatest kings who ever reigned.

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘Go with your gut feeling.’ But discernment is much more than that. It doesn’t rely only on intuition, intellect, or experience. The writer of Proverbs says, ‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths’ (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV).

There are two kinds of discernment: natural discernment and spiritual discernment. The first can fail us; the second never will. When natural discernment can’t take us any further, spiritual discernment enables us to keep going with faith and confidence. How do we recognise the difference? James tells us, ‘The wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. It is always fair and honest’ (James 3:17 NCV). That’s what we’re aiming for, and that’s what God will give us when we ask Him for discernment.

Jer 31:31-37; Heb 8:1-13; 2 Cor 3:1