Letting go

Isaiah 43:19 NCV

There are so many times in life when we need to let go of something we care about. We might have to leave a job we love. We could have been working on a project and now need to hand it over for someone else to take to the next level. Maybe we’ve been a mentor or advisor, but the person has reached the point where they don’t need us anymore. We might be teaching someone, but our knowledge has reached its limit and now they need to move on and learn from someone with greater skill. God might even tell us to let something go without us understanding why.

Letting go isn’t easy. It can make us feel unwanted or rejected, our pride can take a hit, or we might think we’re not good enough. Even if we’ve given up something we hate, it can leave a void in that makes us feel strangely empty. But there are things we can do to regain our joy and find reasons to celebrate.

We can: 1) Rejoice that we played a part in the development and growth of the person or project.

2) Be proud that we’ve made a difference.

3) Pray for the person, the project, those who were working with us, and those who are going to take things even further.

4) Trust God to place the person or project in the right hands.

5) Look forward to the next thing God has in mind for us. It can be helpful to remember these words: ‘Do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?’ (Isaiah 43:18-19 NCV). When we let go of one thing, God already has the next thing lined up.

1 Cor 15-16; Matt 1:1-17; Ps 103:13-22; Pro 10:14