Keep praying and believing
2021-08-15Mark 2:3 NCV
‘Many people gathered together…Jesus was teaching them God’s message. Four people came , carrying a paralysed man. Since they could not get to Jesus because of the crowd, they dug a hole in the roof right above where he was speaking…they lowered the mat with the paralysed man on it, When Jesus saw the faith of these people, he said to the paralysed man…”stand up, take your mat, and go home”‘ (Mark 2-5, 11 NCV).
If you know someone who needs a miracle today: 1) Use your faith. Even though you’re praying for someone who might have very little or even no faith of their own, God will honour your faith on their behalf. ‘When Jesus saw how much faith [the man’s friends] had, He said to the crippled man…”Get up!”‘
2) Refuse to give up. The four friends did exactly that. The crowd was a problem – so they went around it. The roof was a problem – so they broke through it. They refused to get discouraged or give up. They needed to get their friend to Jesus and nothing was going to stand in their way. If the things you’ve tried so far haven’t worked, ask God and He’ll show you another way.
3) Look for faith partners. It took four people to get the man to Jesus. Sometimes we can’t do it alone. Find someone who’ll agree with you in prayer. Jesus said, ‘I promise…when any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you’ (Matthew 18:19 CEV).
So keep praying and believing that God will provide a miracle.