Discovering your vision (5)

Proverbs 29:18 NLT

When God gives us a vision, it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone else will support it or believe in it. And if God gives us a big vision, we might not either. We might think it’s too big, or that there’s no way we’re qualified or capable of fulfilling it. But when we say yes to God and trust Him to guide us, nothing will stop us from achieving what God’s laid out for us to do.

Here are three things to bear in mind: 1) Vision starts within. When you look inside yourself, what do you see? You can’t borrow someone else’s vision; you must look within and draw on your God-given gifts and desires. What do you feel passionate about? What do you think constantly about? What are you always praying about? What would you be willing to give up everything else to achieve? Your most persistent desire will help point you to your purpose.

2) Vision draws on your history. Moses grew up in the comfort of Pharaoh’s palace hearing the cries of Hebrew slaves. That experience prepared him to lead the exodus. Vision isn’t some mystical quality that appears from nowhere; it’s interwoven with your past and the history of the people around you. If your vision is born of God, it won’t just benefit you, it’ll benefit others too.

3) Vision attracts resources. One of the sure signs of vision is that it acts like a magnet, attracting, challenging, and uniting people. It draws the resources needed to complete it. The more challenging the vision, the harder the participants will fight to achieve it. So ask God to give you a vision for your life, and watch how it all comes together.

Col 3-4; Philemon; John 17:13-26; Ps 148:1-6; Prov 29:11-15