What only God sees

Matthew 6:18 NKJV

Have you ever been to a concert where they used the latest audio-visual equipment? Chances are, you were blown away by the multidimensional sights and sounds, and afterwards, left talking about the amazing skills of the performers. If the performance went along with no problems, you probably didn’t think about the sound and lighting techs. Usually we only notice them when the equipment fails. They’re the invisible element; the people who do their job by making the star look and sound great. The real accolades and honours go to those in the spotlight. That’s the order of things in the kingdom of man.

But the kingdom of God operates on the idea that ‘the last shall be first, and the first last’ (Matthew 20:16 KJV). Jesus said when we fast, pray, and give without looking for recognition, ‘your Father who sees [your actions] in secret will reward you openly’.

On a big ship, only the captain and a handful of officers are visible on the bridge. But the crew below deck influence the ship’s progress for most of the journey. And in God’s church, it’s the ‘engine-room crew’ who faithfully carry out a lot of the work: caretaking staff, nursery workers, bus drivers, car park attendants, nursing home visitors, prison outreach workers, and prayer warriors.

The high-profile people tend to get most of the credit, but God recognises and appreciates the faithful workers behind the scenes, and says to them, ‘Well done, my good servant’ (Luke 19:17 NIV). And God’s approval is the best reward of all. So whenever we feel our work isn’t noticed or appreciated, let’s remember that God misses none of it.

Exo 33-35; Luke 15:1-10; Ps 112; Pro 7:6-9