
Isaiah 50:7 NCV

When we come up against problems that seem too big for us to handle, when we don’t seem to be getting anywhere, when we’ve tried and failed, and when we feel like God’s not listening, often our first reaction is to give up. Throughout the Bible, we can find examples of people who also faced all kinds of discouragements and obstacles, but found the courage to persevere in their faith, their purpose, or in a task that God has assigned to them.

In the Old Testament, we read about Job, who suffered all kinds of afflictions and sorrows, but stayed faithful to God. Luke 18 begins with Jesus telling the story of a widow who asked a judge to grant the justice she deserved. He refused, but she kept asking persistently until he granted her request. Paul’s mission to spread the gospel was filled with obstacles and danger. He experienced hunger and thirst, he was shipwrecked, beaten, and thrown in prison (you can read about everything he faced in 2 Corinthians 11:23-33). But he showed great resilience throughout everything he went through, because he remained focused on Jesus and the promise of heaven.

We need to do the same. When we persevere, God will help us accomplish everything He’s laid out for us to do in His kingdom. If God’s promises to us don’t happen immediately, if we face obstacles, or if we fail at something, we mustn’t get discouraged. Instead, we should ‘look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect’ (Hebrews 12:2 NCV), and say: ‘The Lord GOD will help me, so I will not be ashamed. I will be determined, and I know I will not be disgraced.’

Exo 39-40; Matt 8:10-17; Ps 84; Prov 2:16-19