Glory to God

2 Corinthians 3:5 NIV

When we’ve succeeded in something or something goes well, our natural response is to feel proud of ourselves and maybe even to make sure we tell others about it. We might post about it on social media and wait for the likes to roll in. Or we might take on bigger and better things because we feel like nothing can stop us. It’s not bad to enjoy the feeling of success, but we need to avoid boasting to others and developing a prideful heart. Paul wrote: ‘Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.’ We need to be acknowledging that we can only do what we’re doing because of God. We’re only strong because He’s strong. We’re only able to do things because He gives us gifts and equips us. We’re only wise because He offers us perfect wisdom. We need to stop looking to other people to appreciate and validate our success, and instead turn to God and give Him all the glory. When we do something nice for others, or achieve something great, we need to lead other people to glorify God too. We shouldn’t be encouraging people to glorify us, but to glorify the One who leads, loves, and strengthens us. In Matthew, we’re told to ‘Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven’ (Matthew 5:16 NIV). It’s not about us receiving the glory. The Bible actually tells us to glorify God in everything we do, even the mundane things. ‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God’ (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV). So let’s glorify Him today.

Acts 27-28; Luke 10:13-24; Ps 78:17-31; Prov 16:26-30

Conditional blessings

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 NKJV

Many of God’s blessings come with conditions: “Diligently obey…all His commandments.” When you put God’s Word into action, you obtain His blessing. Blind Bartimaeus was begging when Jesus passed by. So he cried out, “Lord, that I might receive my sight” (Mark 10:51 KJV). He knew God’s blessing wasn’t automatic, but it was within his reach. In a Peanuts cartoon, Charlie Brown is practicing his archery. In addition to a bow and arrow, he carries a paintbrush and a bucket of paint. He shoots the arrow toward the target, and wherever it lands he paints a bull’s-eye around it. When Lucy asks Charlie about this, he says, “This way I always hit my target!” One author writes: “This is the way some Christians live…wherever the arrows of life happen to land, they claim was their destination all along. How badly do you want the blessing of God? How committed are you? The desires God placed in your spirit and the goals He set in His Word won’t be fulfilled automatically, but they’re attainable. First: You must build a strong foundation by becoming established in God’s Word. Second: Expect to increase one step at a time. Paul says, ‘Walk in the steps of…faith’ (Romans 4:12 NKJV). Results won’t appear overnight, but they will come and you’ll see the rewards of your diligence. Third: Aim high, expect God’s best, and be willing to give Him your best. Peter says, ‘Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue…knowledge…self-control…perseverance…godliness…brotherly kindness…and…love'” (2 Peter 1:5-7 NKJV).

Soul food: Acts 24-26; Luke 10:1-12; Ps 78:9-16; Prov 16:25

Voorwaardelike seën

Deuteronomium 28:1-2 NLV

Baie van God se seëninge kom met voorwaardes. Wanneer jy God se Woord in aksie sit, ontvang jy sy seën. Blinde Bartimeus was besig om te bedel toe Jesus verbygeloop het. Dus het hy uitgeroep: ‘…O Leermeester, dat ek kan sien!’ (Markus 10:51 NLV). Hy het geweet dat God se seën nie outomaties was nie, maar dit was binne sy bereik. In ‘n Peanuts strokiesprent, oefen Charlie Brown sy boogskiet-vaardighede. Hy skiet ‘n pyl na die teiken en verf dan ‘n kolskoot om die pyl, waar dit ookal land. Wanneer Lucy vir Charlie hieroor uitvra, sê hy: ‘Op hierdie manier tref ek altyd die teiken!’ Een skrywer sê: ‘Dis hoe party Christene lewe. Waar die pyle ook al mag land, gee hulle voor dat dit van die begin af die bestemming was.’ Hoe graag wil jy God se seën hê? Hoe toegewyd is jy? Die begeertes wat God in jou gees geplaas het en die doelwitte wat Hy in sy Woord geplaas het sal nie outomaties vervul word nie, maar hulle is wel bereikbaar. Eerstens moet jy ‘n sterk fondasie bou deur in God se Woord gevestig te word. Tweedens moet jy verwag om een tree op ‘n keer vorentoe te beweeg. Resultate sal nie oornag voorkom nie, maar hulle sal kom en jy sal die belonings vir jou toewyding sien. Derdens: Mik hoog, verwag God se beste en wees gewillig om vir Hom jou beste te gee. Petrus sê: ‘God het baie dinge vir julle gedoen, en daarom moet julle hard probeer om nie net te glo in Hom nie, maar ook om goeie dinge vir ander mense te doen en om wyse mense te wees. Julle moenie gou kwaad word nie, julle moet vas glo, julle moet vir God dien, julle moet lief wees vir mekaar…’ (2 Petrus 1:5-7 ABA).

Sielskos: Hand 24-26; Luk 10:1-12; Ps 78:9-16; Spr 16:25

Conditional blessings

Deuteronomy 28:2 NIV

God loves to bless us because He loves us. The Bible says that we should praise God ‘who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ’ (Ephesians 1:3 NIV). But sometimes His blessing is conditional. That means we have to obey His commands before we receive the blessing. Moses gave the Israelites a list of the ways God was going to bless them (you can read that in Deuteronomy 28:3-13). But this list was preceded by these words: ‘All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God.’ The word ‘if’ is really important here. It shows that the Israelites would only get the blessings if they obeyed God. It also shows that they had a choice. When we choose to obey God, we open ourselves up to receive more of His blessings. How much do we desire God’s blessings? How willing are we to obey His commands? Sometimes we can expect blessings without putting any effort in, but it’s clear that obedience is necessary. So how do we know what God wants us to do? We need to be spending time reading the Bible. We need to be listening to what He’s saying to us, and then acting on it. When Jonah heard God’s call, He ran the opposite way. Obedience means we follow God wherever He’s calling us, even when it seems challenging or we doubt ourselves. But we need to remember that obedience comes gradually. As humans we often desire to do our own thing and we can struggle to surrender our whole lives over to God. When we ask God to help us humble ourselves and obey Him, He’ll gradually transform us to live godly, obedient, and blessing-filled lives.

Acts 24-26; Luke 10:1-12; Ps 78:9-16; Prov 16:25

Oordraagbare vryspraak

Romeine 4:23-24 ABA

Dink aan fondse wat van een rekening na ‘n ander oorgedra word. Banke doen dit elke dag. Verbeel jouself jy is haweloos en kan nie jou skuld betaal nie. Dan, in ‘n wonderbaarlike daad van genade, neem iemand al jou skuld oor en dra terselftertyd ‘n massiewe bedrag geld na jou rekening oor sodat jy nooit weer hoef te werk nie. Dis wat by die kruis gebeur het toe God al jou sondes na Christus se rekening oorgedra het; en al sy regverdigheid na jou rekening oorgedra het. Verbysterend, is dit nie? Sal jy sê: ‘Ek kan nie toelaat dat U al hierdie skuld alleen afbetaal nie, dus sal ek werk om te bewys dat ek u genade waardig is’? Dis wat ons doen wanneer ons ons goeie werke by Christus se voltooide werk ‘aanlas.’ Paulus skryf: ‘God het Hom wat nie sonde geken het nie, sonde gemaak ter wille van ons sodat ons, op grond van ons eenheid met Christus, deur God vrygespreek kan word’ (2 Korintiërs 5:21 NLV). ‘Maar ek voel so skuldig wanneer ek sondig.’ Jy is veronderstel om skuldig te voel! Toe Christus egter jou sonde weggeneem het, het Hy ook jou skuld weggeneem. Wat voel jy dus? Innerlike konflik! Jou nuwe gees sê vir jou dat jy nie aan sonde kan toegee nie; dis nie meer wie jy is nie! Hoekom het God dit op hierdie manier gedoen? Omdat enige geregtigheid wat ons op ons eie houtjie kon verdien, ver tekort skiet van wat Hy vereis. Verbly jouself – vandag sien God jou as geklee in die geregtigheid van Christus, daarom sal jy altyd deur Hom aanvaar en liefgehê word.

Sielskos: Hand 22-23; Luk 9:57-62; Ps 78:1-8; Spr 16:23-24