What’s your net worth?

Proverbs 13:22 NKJV

The word “inheritance” is used 203 times in the Bible, so God must think it’s important. Solomon writes, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” In man’s kingdom your “net worth” is the sum total of all you own. But in God’s kingdom your net worth equals the sum total of all you’ve given away. What you don’t share is lost forever, but what you put into God’s hands becomes an eternal keepsake. Moses Montefiore was the first Jew to hold high office in London. He was knighted Sir Moses by Queen Victoria in 1837 – the same year he was elected Sheriff of London. In later life he became famous for his philanthropy. He made seven trips to the Holy Land, the last at age ninety-one. His love for the Holy Land was evidenced by his financing of a textile factory, a printing press, a windmill, and several agricultural colonies in Palestine. On his one hundredth birthday the London Times devoted its editorials to his praise. He amassed a fortune through business ventures and real estate acquisitions. But when a reporter asked him about his net worth, he named a figure that was much less. “Surely your net worth must be more than that!” the reporter said. Sir Moses replied, “You didn’t ask me how much I own, you asked me how much I’m worth. So I calculated how much I have given to charity. We are worth only what we are willing to share with others.” What’s your net worth? In God’s eyes, it’s the sum total of all you have given away.

Soul food: Job 36-38; Luke 2:34-40; Ps 139:1-12; Ecc 11:4-6